
Publisher (now Allplay) retained Brieger Creative to consult across their 2021 product line. We review all product releases, offering feedback on UI, rulebook, and do small amounts of development, with the option for them to extend development engagements for larger needs.

Services Provided:

Spring 2021 Projects:

Boardgametables' Spring 2021 Kickstarter included Factory Funner, Ghosts of Christmas, and Bear Raid. We reviewed rules across all three products, and after evaluation, proposed additional rules variants for Factory Funner and Ghosts of Christmas.

For Factory Funner, we drafted variants for players to play without real time or speed elements.

In Ghosts of Christmas, which is a retheme of trick-taking game Time Palatrix, we proposed a no bidding "Tiny Tim" variant that is friendlier for new players.

Fall 2021 Projects:

Boardgametables' Fall 2021 Kickstarter include Dandelons and Psychic Pizza Deliverers Go to the Ghost Town. Both are new releases of indie games from Japan.

Dandelions is a retheme of the dice game Birth. For Dandelions, we worked on retheming the game and selecting a single set of rules for release with the new edition. The original game release with several variant rules, and we wanted to present single, streamlined, and best way to enjoy the game.

For the new release of Psychic Pizza Deliverers Go to the Ghost Town, we created new card content, tested player reference material, and increased the player count by one. Developer Michael Dunsmore designed new Psychic power cards which focus on increasing information for the deduction elements of the game.

Brieger Creative Team